Shakespare Festivals in Gyula


The photography exhibition presenting a compilation of the most famous productions of the past nine years will be opened at the Chamber Hall on the first day of the Shakespeare Festival.

The exhibition can be visited until August 8th. Admission free

The opening ceremony of the exhibition: July 3rd, 2014, at 5 p.m.

The venue: Chamber Theatre


Is Shakespeare Still Our Contemporary?

Is Shakespeare Still Our Contemporary? – international conference


Conference for the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth

Lecturers of the conference and topics of the lectures

Professor Stanley Wells (President of the Shakespeare Trust, Stratford) the guest of honour of the conference

Maria Shevstova (Goldsmith College, University of London)

Whose Shakespeare Is Contemporary?

Holger Klein (University of Salzburg)

The Dramatist, the Director, and the Play: Reflections on an Ever-Intriguing Triangle

Almási Zsolt (Pázmány Péter Catholic University)

Katherine, the Shrew as our contemporary: Innocence and its loss

Bernáth András (University of Szeged)

Hamlet, our eternal contemporary

Fábián Annamária (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)

“He was always irresponsible” – Howard Baker’s Seven Lears

Fabiny Tibor (Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest)

Why have the topics “Shakespeare” and “religion” become our contemporaries again?

Farkas Ákos (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)

The Dark Lady turns black and grows a moustache – ethnicity and sexuality in two contemporary Shakespearean fantasies

Gellért Marcell (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)

Shakespeare freely

Kiss Attila (University of Szeged)

Are Shakespeare’s contemporaries already our contemporaries?

Márkus Zoltán (Vassar College)

Is Kott’s Shakespeare still our contemporary?

Orosz István (Artist)

Shakespeare and the anamorphic depiction

Pikli Natália (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)

Passages – the “real” Shakespeare and the icons of the contemporary popular culture (Joss Whedon, Tom Hiddleston, Örkény Theatre Hamlet)

Reuss Gabriella (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Piliscsaba)

Contemporay Shakespeares at the Örkény Theatre: productions of Bagossy László and Gáspár Ildikó

Sávai-Matuska Ágnes (University of Szeged)

Adaptation and updating: world war in Shakespeare films

Schiller Mariann (ELTE Radnóti Miklós Practicing School, Budapest)

All the world is a professorship

Szigeti Balázs (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)

Actions and thoughts in Hamlet and Macbeth at contemporary stages

Szőnyi György Endre (University of Szeged)

Are romances our contemporaries?

Admission free


W. Shakespeare – Midsummer Night’s Dream

W. Shakespeare: Midsummer Night’s Dream – comedy

Cast: Horváth Lajos Ottó, Nagy-Kálózy Eszter, Farkas Dénes, Tóth László, Fehér Tibor, Mátyássy Bence, Fátyol Kamilla, Tompos Kátya, Reviczky Gábor, Kristán Attila, Szarvas József, Schnell Ádám, Varga József, Rácz József

Set Designer: David Doiashvili, Costume Designer: Bánki Róza, Dramaturge: Kozma András, Prompter: Sütő Anikó, Assistant Director: Tüű Zsófia

Directed by: David Doiashvili

The internationally renowned young Georgian theatre director, David Doiashvili, brings to the stage the comedy entitled “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, which is one of the most famous and most played works of William Shakespeare, the master of theatre, who was born 450 years ago.

The director said in connection with the performance in Gyula: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is often regarded as an easy and cheerful fairy tale, oversimplifying the deeper, dramatic reading of the play. The humour and cheeriness play of course an important role in the performance, but they can only emerge if the powerful drama of the continuously changing human feelings and relationships is also present. The show directed by myself covers the special relationship between dreams and reality, in which the characters get into an intricate emotional labyrinth. As it often occurs in life – love, which is the strongest human feeling, may stir up our life so much that we cannot even make a difference between the dreams powered by our desires and the reality. It can also happen that the intensive feelings experienced in our dreams seem more realistic than the reality of the daily life that we are used to and often consider as a role. So the characters of A Midsummer Night’s Dream undergo a strange initiation somewhere on the border between dreams and reality.

Joint production of the Gyula Castle Theatre and the National Theatre

First Performance: July 3rd, 2014, at 8:30 p.m.

Other performances: July 4th-5th, 2014, at 8:30 p.m.

The venue: Castle Stage (Rain day: July 6th, 2014)


W. Shakespeare – Midsummer Night’s Dream

W. Shakespeare: Midsummer Night’s Dream – comedy

Cast: Horváth Lajos Ottó, Nagy-Kálózy Eszter, Farkas Dénes, Tóth László, Fehér Tibor, Mátyássy Bence, Fátyol Kamilla, Tompos Kátya, Reviczky Gábor, Kristán Attila, Szarvas József, Schnell Ádám, Varga József, Rácz József

Set Designer: David Doiashvili, Costume Designer: Bánki Róza, Dramaturge: Kozma András, Prompter: Sütő Anikó, Assistant Director: Tüű Zsófia

Directed by: David Doiashvili

The internationally renowned young Georgian theatre director, David Doiashvili, brings to the stage the comedy entitled “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, which is one of the most famous and most played works of William Shakespeare, the master of theatre, who was born 450 years ago.

The director said in connection with the performance in Gyula: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is often regarded as an easy and cheerful fairy tale, oversimplifying the deeper, dramatic reading of the play. The humour and cheeriness play of course an important role in the performance, but they can only emerge if the powerful drama of the continuously changing human feelings and relationships is also present. The show directed by myself covers the special relationship between dreams and reality, in which the characters get into an intricate emotional labyrinth. As it often occurs in life – love, which is the strongest human feeling, may stir up our life so much that we cannot even make a difference between the dreams powered by our desires and the reality. It can also happen that the intensive feelings experienced in our dreams seem more realistic than the reality of the daily life that we are used to and often consider as a role. So the characters of A Midsummer Night’s Dream undergo a strange initiation somewhere on the border between dreams and reality.

Joint production of the Gyula Castle Theatre and the National Theatre

First Performance: July 3rd, 2014, at 8:30 p.m.

Other performances: July 4th-5th, 2014, at 8:30 p.m.

The venue: Castle Stage (Rain day: July 6th, 2014)


Shakespeare Fringe Festival – Romeo 5.1

Romeo 5.1

Performance of the company “Drámán add az életet “

Performance: July 13th, 2014, at 6 p.m.

The venue: In front of the Castle
