Macbeth címkézett bejegyzés
Coreographed by Noémi Kulcsár
Joint Production of the National Dance Theatre and Kulcsár Noémi Tellabor
The eternal lesson of the tragedy of Macbeth is that a misconceived sense of vocation, a pathological ambition and a false ruling spirit, create destructive figures with distorted spirits. Both in the chronicles of history and these days, people appear who have seized power by force, deceit or by craftiness. When we suffer because of amateur and bad leaders above us, Shakespeare gives us comforting justice with the tragedy of Macbeth. The Shakespeare work, which originally comes from the Medieval, Celtic Holinshed chronicle, is permeated by the mystical tone and mysterious atmosphere of legends full of violent deeds and haunting sense of guilt. The world of superstitions and visions, the mystery of the Shakespeare work and the richness of motifs and symbols provide excellent raw material for dance and the art of movement.